Giving Healing

Simple acts of generosity can transform the lives of others. Thanks to the generosity of one of our donors, four needy children from Hainan Prefecture, Guinan County have recently had much-needed surgery.
Simple acts of generosity can transform the lives of others. Thanks to the generosity of one of our donors, four needy children from Hainan Prefecture, Guinan County have recently had much-needed surgery.
2018 has arrived! We now have a new start, another opportunity to continue the great work of last year and also plant new seeds for God to grow.
God has given me the gift of hope for 2018! I feel it may be a year for something simple and yet potentially groundbreaking. I don't know how the opportunities will come or what they will be, but I trust that God will continue to lead us as He has done in the past.
As a new year begins for each of you, I am praying that the Peace of Christ would fill each of your hearts with a reminder of His presence. Whether trials come or there are great blessings, I hope that each moment will be permeated with the love and presence of our God.
Please pray that we at Christian Action would faithfully follow wherever He leads us in 2018.
To date, Christian Action has trained over 242,000 unemployed people, giving them the skills they need to re-enter the workplace. You have helped us change the lives of these hopeless people, and taken the sadness from individuals and families.
For the last 24 years, we have helped to match students, young professionals and job seekers with employers. We have also helped them learn the skills they need to become successful contributors to our society. Christian Action has been one of the largest professional retraining organisations in Hong Kong since 1993!
Advent is here, and our family will be spending time together, thanking the Lord for what He has done in our lives and in Christian Action over the past year. It was a milestone year! 20 years in Qinghai, so many children's lives radically transformed in our children's homes, and over 200 children now adopted. We will also celebrate another major blessing!
At this time of the year, we celebrate God's love for us in sending our Saviour, Jesus Christ. At this time, we especially want to share our love for children who have so little real joy in their lives. We did something different this year - we hired a tram and took the kids for a tram ride!