


Putting on a Bash!

The Mid-Autumn festival on the Chinese calendar is a time for celebrating! It's a time for families to come together, have a feast, and generally enjoy having fun together.

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Achieving Together

Learning how to work together to achieve the best results is a lesson we may have all learned in the course of our lives. Encouraging young people to achieve together is one of the many contributions Christian Action makes to our society. Our Child Development Fund helps disadvantaged youth learn the necessary skills they will need to succeed in life and not be a burden on society.

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An Amazing Child

It brings such a deep joy to my heart when I think of what a great support you all have been as you have prayed and given generously to the work of Christian Action. Your help enabled us to care for children such as this beautiful little girl, Qiu Han, now lovingly named Lilli.

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Visiting A Bank!

For the majority of us, a trip to the bank or supermarket is far from being a special event! But for children living in the seclusion of our Children's Homes in Qinghai, it's unknown territory. Introducing them to the world outside the Home is essential if they are to be productive members of their society.

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Happy Campers

Children in some countries are often sent off to summer camps by their parents, but in Kowloon East families rarely get time to just relax together and have fun. We changed that situation a few weeks ago.

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