


New Year Greetings!

Celebrating Chinese New Year with the children we serve

This weekend, more than 1.4 billion Chinese will celebrate Chinese New Year. On the first day of the New Year, we will honour a traditional custom and visit the homes of friends and families to wish them a Happy New Year. This practice is known as "bai leen" in Cantonese (or "bai nian" in Putonghua). Simply put, the phrase means to "wish someone a Happy New Year" or to "exchange New Year's greetings”.

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Holidays: A worry or a relief?

Confined to a one bedroom, sub-divided flat, there was little for Sum Sum and her younger sister Ting Ting to do during the recent holiday break from school. The school holidays meant that at least one parent would need to take off from work to care for the girls, but neither could afford to, as their survival is dependent upon every dollar made.

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Save Our Home

For over 30 years the New Horizons Building in Kowloon East has served tens of thousands of people in this area. Now our home and main service and training centre is listed for demolition under the government's redevelopment plan.

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Treacherous Terrain

Last year, I shared the good news that we dedicated a new medical bus for Qinghai Charity Hospital. It was donated by Christian Action Asia board member, Dr. Victor Lui. Access to the bus is saving countless lives, but it's the men and women who staff the medical team and care for rural residents of Qinghai that are true heroes.

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Peace in The New Year

Celebrating the holidays together in the UK

New Year greetings from the United Kingdom!

There's always a deep churning of emotions surrounding the year's end and the birth of another new beginning. Some look forward to the new year with great anticipation, giving 2016 a big "sayonara"! Others are a bit more apprehensive, unsure of where 2017 may lead.

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