A First for Xining Children’s Home!

As a supporter of our Home, you too can celebrate the wedding of Zhong Linjun (蓮君)! She is the first orphan from our Home to get married!
Linjun (蓮君) wasn’t even two years old when her mother fell ill and died. Tragically, her father was killed in a traffic accident when she was about 12, so Linjun (蓮君) was admitted to our Home.
Because she was a normal and able child, Linjun (蓮君) was the first to live in our Small Group Home. She was given the privilege of being an elder sister to the little children. This was obviously a helpful move because she grew up to be a happy young woman who integrated well into society.
When she came of age she did her paid service in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (中國人民解放軍) and that is where she met Jie Shubin (書兵), her future husband. They have both left the army now. Shubin (書兵)works with the Qinghai Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau (青海質量監督局), and when Linjun (蓮君) terminated her service with the army, the government assigned her a job with Qinghai Pharmaceutical Factory (青海制藥工廠). The staff at the Home helped them find their new home together. They are both 23 years old.
Linjun (蓮君) is still very attached to the Children’s Home, and to the staff, especially Mr Tai (邰先生), the house father in the Small Group Home, and to Madam Li (李院長), the Administrator, who organised and hosted this very first wedding party in honour of the beautiful child given into our care as an orphan.
We pray that Linjun’s (蓮君) wedding on May 1 was just the start of a new life of joy as she builds a home of her own!
I feel like my own daughter has gotten married and perhaps, may be, I will be a grandma soon!
Reader Comments (7)
Hey Siew Mei:
this is HuYang, i am so happy for JunJun, i cannot believe that she already got married. she looked wonderful in the picture so is her new husband. i cannot wait to meet him when i return to China. Do you have the video record of the Wedding, if so can you please sent me one, i will love to watch it.
Hope to hear from you soon!
love Abigail
Hey Siew Mei:
This is Bingjie, I am really happy for Jun Jun, it happen so fast, I just see the picture of her and her husband she looks so different from that picture. I am glad that she found someone she can spend rest of her life with.
I talked with HuYang today on the phone, she is really happy for her too. Any ways I have to go now.
If you have any chance can you tell Jun Jun that I said congratulations. Thanks
Hope to hear from you=)
Hi Siew Mei,
Great to see this lovely new married couple. Wish them all the best. Good to see that even with a troubled start children can find new happiness.
Yanqiu family - Netherlands
Dear Siew Mei, Thank you for your recent emails regarding the news at Xining Orphanage. I am delighted to receive it. I am Judy and I have an adopted daughter from there. Her name was Xu Shuli. Perhaps you remember her. I can send photos. Please give my regards to Madam Li. I have such fond memories of my experiences while in Xining. I hope to return with my daughter for a visit. Is Lydia still at the Orphanage? Best Wishes and thank you for the emails. K9PD
Dear Hu Yang and Bingjie,
How fantastic to hear from you both! I know it is something to look at JunJun’s pictures- she really is beautiful isn’t she? It’s like seeing my own daughter getting married! I don’t have any video of the wedding but perhaps we can get more pictures for you.
I am glad to read that you are both in contact with each other. Please let me know when you will be back in Xining because I would love to meet up with you again.
I will be back in Xining this week so I will make sure to tell JunJun all you said !
Siew Mei
Dear Ashley,
How is Yanqiu? I would love to see any recent pictures of her.
You may be interested to know that I’ll be back in Qinghai province this Friday with a group of friends of Christian Action. We will visit the Huangnan Children Home, where we care for 280 children, and the construction site of Haidong Children Home in Pingan County. While there I will sign an agreement between CA and the local Civil Affairs Bureau for CA to co-manage that home when it is completed. That will bring the total number of homes we co-run with the government to three! Needless to say I am grateful for your prayers and support!
Wishing you and Yanqiu all the best and I hope you will come and visit us soon.
Siew Mei
Hi, Judy,
It’s so exciting to hear from different adoptive families ! Madam Li is doing fine (I’ll tell her you said ‘Hi’ when I see her this Friday). Please give Shuli a big hug for me. Lydia is not with CA anymore but she is doing fine. If you have any photos of Shuli, I’ll love to see how she is doing - and let me know when you will be visiting next !
Siew Mei