A Christian Action Milestone!

I'm actually in the United States right now, but I want to share with you this exciting time in Christian Action's history! You will remember that we were asked some time ago to co-manage seven more orphanages in Qinghai Province. At that time, I began to think of extending our avenues of fundraising to the US to help us provide all that will be needed for our service to the children. About two years ago I came to the US to visit some of our adopted children and I also had lunch with a former Christian Action (CA) staff member, Adam Voysey. I hadn’t seen him for about ten years.
I could see that Adam, who was happily employed at that time, shared our vision for the children of Qinghai, so I left it with God. About a year later, Adam contacted me and we began talking about CA starting up in America. He is now our Director of Development. We are registered with the IRS as Christian Action Asia, a charitable tax deductible organisation in the United States. Christian Action Asia is presently being registered with the Attorney General's office in each state.
During my short visit here I've been encouraged by the people at Adam's church, Grace Redeemer Church, and especially Anna Ruberti, a godly and efficient person who is working with Adam. She kindly hosted a barbecue today for me to meet some of the keen church members. Tomorrow I'm going to Kansas City to meet with potential donors to our work.
Please pray for wisdom and God's blessing on Adam and his team as this vital work gets going in the US. You can contact him at: adam@christianactionasia.org. He is keen to encourage those who share our vision to hold their own fundraising events, spread the word about this work, and also pray we can raise more funds for the huge challenge of co-managing seven more orphanages!
God bless you!
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