Little Girl, Big Personality

Many of the children in Xining Children's Home are so severely disabled that getting to know them takes much more than one conversation. It means spending quality time carefully observing their behaviour and learning to recognise their subtle communications.
Not so with Yao! Besides rating 10/10 on the cuteness scale, this little girl has a full-on Personality.
Yao was born with Down’s Syndrome and a common side effect, congenital heart disease. When she came to us at the age of five, she was curious about everything. But her heart condition made it difficult for her to breath, so her desire to explore was rarely satisfied. At times her condition was so severe that she needed oxygen on a daily basis. Plagued by respiratory infections, Yao was eventually admitted to Xining Children’s Hospital. There, doctors decided that treating her at lower altitudes would be a far safer option. Yao went to live in a foster home in Beijing, where the altitude is much lower. She spent five months regaining her strength before having surgery to address her heart problem. The surgery was such a success that she was ready to go home to Xining just eight weeks later.

She is as cute as a button.
Yao was finally able to start school. Unfortunately her carers had spoiled her because of her poor state of health and her winsome ways. She had become used to getting her own way. Behaviour that is cute and manageable in a child, loses its charm when the child grows older, particularly if they become frustrated, angry and aggressive as a result of their disability. It was a real battle when Yao had to respect classroom discipline and learn good manners. There were many temper tantrums, but going to school and playing with friends was too exciting to miss out on, so Yao learned to behave herself, to share, and to make herself agreeable to her classmates.
She has an outgoing personality, and her laughter is often heard at Xining Children’s Home and Children’s Rehabilitation Centre, but making herself understood at school was another challenge that has impeded her progress. With the assistance of our speech therapist, this little girl is learning the powers of communication.
Without medical intervention, Yao’s heart condition could easily have resulted in her premature death. Thanks to your support, she is getting the medical care, therapy, social and academic education that will help Yao to be accepted by her community in the years ahead. On her behalf, thank you so much!
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