A Helping Hand from Nature

When I wake up every morning, I'm blessed by the view of a beautiful mountain near my home. If I have time, I take a leisurely walk in the mornings, which refreshes my whole being as I enjoy nature, and God's diverse creation. With little time for leisure activities during their tough year end exams, the youth in our Child Development Fund and Mentoring programme need help and encouragement to get out and take a break - mountains, and the sea are never far from anyone living in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong education system has very high standards. Additionally, there are far more applicants than there are places at universities. Students who are willing to work hard for those places are under such pressure to perform that they frequently become quite sedentary. They seldom realise that their concentration will improve if they take a break, if only to climb rocks, splash in the sea, look at bugs, and have some fun.
However, for many students there is no money for leisure outings, or even for the bus fare and entry fee to a park. So we help them to take a break, but when we take them on a day trip, we don't limit the experience to having fun. We take the opportunity to include activities that are designed to teach youth about teamwork and conservation. These outings bridge formal and informal knowledge, build self-esteem. and prepare the students for lifelong learning.
Without good role models, inner city youth usually put their own needs first and sometimes even develop anti social behaviour. Day trips are an excellent way of facilitating relationship building between our students and their mentors.
Christian Action believes that investing in these children now is important because they are the ones who will help to shape the future of our wonderful city of Hong Kong.
As part of our summer programme this year, a group of teens and their mentors headed out to the Tai Po Waterfront Park – as you can see, a great time was had by all!
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