A Miraculous Change

"It was a real miracle!" we may say about something that is unexpectedly surprising in our daily lives, but I believe that what we have seen in the life of little Matison Ling is far more than surprising. We have seen many children with congenital heart defects, and when Matison came to us as a newborn, it was very sad to hear, during a routine medical examination, that she had a congenital heart defect. She was placed in the care of foster parents, and it was the very best thing that we could have done for her. They understood the power of prayer and prayed for Matison's full recovery.

Other than her heart defect, Matison was healthy and soon grew into a smart, funny and very cute toddler. She was placed on the 'special needs' adoption list, but her foster parents continued to pray for her full recovery. By the time Matison was matched with her forever family, she was completely healthy! She was taken off the 'special needs' adoption list and placed on the main adoption list. It wasn’t long before another loving couple adopted Matison.
I met Bridgett and Matt when they passed through Hong Kong on their way back to the USA after collecting Matison from Xining. During that meeting I discovered that they too know the power of prayer. I could not have desired a better family for Matison. Bridgett recently sent me this email:
Today marks two months that we have been home and I wanted to let you know that Matison is doing wonderfully. She is a true blessing to our family and we thank you all for the care, love and support your organizations provided during her early life. She is just a joy every single day and we can not imagine our lives without her. She has become such a energetic and lively little girl since coming home and getting into a routine. She is funny and full of laughs. She adores her big brothers and they feel the same way about her. She lights up a room when she walks in and her smile is beautiful. She has adjusted well to our family and is very attached to both Matt and I, because of the care and love that she was given while in your hands she knows how to love and what it feels like to be loved. She has become a walking testimony for us and our faith and love in Jesus Christ. That love shines through us as well as through her and Jesus has great things planned for Matison I assure you. His love just glows through her and people are drawn to it. I can not thank you enough for the care and love that was provided for our daughter, she is amazing!
Matt, Bridgett, Bailey, Cooper and Matison
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