Shattered Hopes

Hong Kong is often thought to be a kind of Promised Land for those who leave their own countries hoping to find a better life for their families.
Five years ago, a young couple we shall call Mr. and Mrs. X, had high expectations when they joined other members of their family in Hong Kong. Drugs and imprisonment were not part of their dreams, but that became the reality.
Mrs. X struggled without her community. Desperate for friends, she joined the Christian Action Women's group at Woosung Street Service Centre for Ethnic Minorities. Mr. X, who had his own struggles, objected, and then chose to make very different 'friends'. Taking drugs resulted in frequent run-ins with the police, and finally to a jail sentence.
He had failed her in so many ways, and Mrs. X was on the brink of despair but she continued to stand by him. Again she relied on Christian Action's guidance during court hearings, and then during prison visits.
During the imprisonment, Mrs. X. also relied on assistance from Christian Action, applying for support for her children's education and financial aid, plus the essential ingredient of emotional support from our caseworker. When Mr. X was released from jail, we helped him find a drug rehabilitation programme. Sadly, his time there was unfruitful.
As their life continued on a downward spiral, Mrs. X. turned less to her family members, who openly laughed at her misfortune. Instead she appreciated the security and respect of our support workers. Her eyes filling with tears she said, "Christian Action is like the mother I left behind in my home country. Whenever I need help, I know someone at Christian Action will be able to provide it."
Mr. X. has been in and out of prison several times, and each time Mrs. X. has turned to Christian Action for help. Our employment team has been trying to help him find a job since his last prison release.
Apart from supporting this family in material ways, we tell them that it is the love of God that motivates us to help them. Please, please pray for them. We hope that your prayers, added to ours, will help to usher in the breakthrough that Mr. X. needs to escape his cycle of destruction.
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