Christmas Praises

As the year draws to a close and I prepare to enter the new year in my usual style - full steam ahead - I am grateful for the opportunity that Christmas gives me to reflect on the past year with all its very significant highs and lows!
This was the year that my wonderful husband saw God’s healing hand demonstrated miraculously in his life. Marlon was healed of cancer! I have to say that he is a changed man, deeply passionate about his Lord and Saviour and willing to share God’s love with anyone he meets.
Our family faced another milestone this year: Our son, Danial, graduated from high school, and we went with him to UBC Vancouver, Canada, to start his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Yes, he has transitioned from a boy to a man in the last few years, and made us so proud. Now he is home for Christmas, so we are celebrating as a family.
I have been executive director of Christian Action for almost 30 years, and my husband and son have been my most faithful supporters every step of the way - I thank God for them. This Christmas, I again sing praises for God’s gift to us of Jesus, with the offer of eternal life for all who believe in Him. He has been my comforter during difficult times, strengthening me and giving me hope for whatever lay ahead. I pray that as you reflect on God’s goodness this year, you too will know great joy and sing his praises from deep inside of you!
A very blessed Christmas!
With Love,
Siew Mei, Marlon and Danial
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