To Walk or Not to Walk

I admit that I fail dismally when I try to imagine what it would be like not to go for a walk, or to have a disability which prevents me from being my normal mobile self.
Even when I participated in Christian Action's first three legged walkathon last year, I couldn't really imagine a permanent disability, because I always knew I would soon take that strap off my leg and be wonderfully and independently mobile again.
Unlike most of us, Chin, Ji and Ming, will always have challenges walking. That's why I'm excited that Christian Action has brought these three children to Hong Kong for surgery. All three of them are dealing with medical issues that affect their ability to walk.
Do you remember Muyang? He was born with Spina Bifida, but with your support he had surgery, just like Chin, Ji and Ming, and learnt to walk. Then, in March 2012, he went to join his forever family in the USA. (I'll be bringing you his personal update later this year)
These children aren't the only ones who face lifelong challenges. Christian Action cares for around 700 disadvantaged children in Qinghai, all of whom are orphans or who were abandoned because they are disabled. We also provide high school scholarships and tertiary education grants to over 300 students from rural areas.
You still have time to enter this year's walkathon, as we've extended the closing date for registrations to April 8th. Your participation will be helping Christian Action take many more steps to ensure that we help every child to achieve his or her maximum potential. Without this help, they are likely to spend the rest of their lives helpless and without hope. We cannot find a forever family for every child in our care, but we can do everything possible to give each one a good start in life. Your fundraising for the walkathon will definitely help us move forward! See you there!
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