Blessings All Around!

Pan Xue Yan was brought into our Children's Home in Xining with partially formed ears. Like the other sweet little ones who have come into our care, she made the long journey from Xining to Hong Kong to receive quality medical care.
During her six week stay, she was fostered by Seth and Christina Kim, who pastor the Harvest Mission Community Church in Hung Hom. Christina wrote the following letter about her time as Pan Xue Yan's foster mum.
Christina wrote:
When we were asked if we knew anyone who wanted to foster an infant coming to Hong Kong for medical treatment, I thought about other families, but it felt as if God was nudging our family to do it. So we talked and prayed about it and made a decision to foster the baby!
To be honest, we were a bit worried about once again caring for an infant and getting used to diaper changes, crying, and mid-night feeds. Thankfully, it was like riding a bike! We were able to jump right on the challenge and care for YanYan (her nickname). We even saw her reach a milestone in her short time with us. On the day of her departure, she rolled over from her back to her belly all by herself!
People would comment on what a wonderful thing we were doing in fostering YanYan, but the opposite was true. YanYan did a wonderful thing for our family and the lives of others. Her cuteness and gentle nature was very endearing!
Having an infant again, but this time one with a disability, reminded us of how every life matters to God. He is her caring, perfect heavenly Father who will never abandon YanYan. Our church community and friends were so touched by their time with her. We even saw people's hearts opening up to the possibility of fostering or adopting in the future! Not only did she touch lives while in Hong Kong, but also in her home in mainland China.
With a couple of Christian Action workers, we took YanYan back to her foster family in mainland China. We were so blessed to see how happy her foster family and others were when they saw YanYan. She is certainly making a wonderful impact in people's lives.
Our family misses her dearly, and we constantly reminisce about our time with YanYan, and the joy and laughter she brought to our home. We pray that God will find her a permanent and loving home, and that the family who adopt her will be even more blessed by having YanYan in their lives.
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