Blossoming Women

Have you ever planted a seed and watched it grow? When the first green shoot appears it's an incredible marvel - a miracle that such a small seed will provide all that's needed to produce a new life. I like to think of our work at Christian Action as planting a different kind of seed which also has the potential to grow and flourish into something beautiful.
Over the last eight weeks, we've witnessed just such a beautiful thing.
A group of women have been attending one of the courses we run for Employees Retraining Board. At the end of the course, the women received a Foundation Certificate in Florist and Floriculture Assistant Training.
Those who did the course are currently unemployed so they came to us, hoping to increase their skill sets and find jobs in the floriculture field.
What I quickly learned after spending time with these ladies was that we're not just helping them land jobs in order to put food on the table, we're also giving our trainees true fulfillment, and they are doing something they love!
At a time when job satisfaction is at an all time low in our city, I'm confident that these ladies will blossom and find great happiness in their future work!
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