We Serve and They Serve!

Since 1993 Christian Action has served the unemployed by training and equipping them with new or better skills. We offer more than 150 courses, including a Foundation Certificate in Local Cafe Kitchen Assistant Training. That was ironic because our own canteen had to close down in 2015, leaving hundreds of employees and training students without that valuable service.
In April this year, Ms. Ma and Ms. Lam, who had just completed our Cafe Kitchen Assistant course, decided it was time to pass on the service they had received. They took over operation of the closed canteen, designed a new menu, and began to prepare for the big test: their employment in their own first joint venture!
The canteen was happily re-opened in August. Having appreciated our service, these two ladies began serving us breakfast, lunch and snacks. Our hungry staff and the students doing their various courses are thrilled that they can once again enjoy good food onsite.
Christian Action is one of the largest training organizations in Hong Kong, and we're very glad to enjoy the benefits of not only giving service, but also receiving it - deliciously!
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