An 'Edutaining' Day!

The cost of visiting Ocean Park and Disneyland is beyond the reach of those who work for very little money or who suffer some kind of disability.
Happily, Christian Action has been part of a charity initiative to sponsor members of low-income families of all ages to enjoy an 'edutaining' day-out at Ocean Park. 'Edutaining' is a term coined to mean education+entertaining.
The day out was part of the 'Ocean Park x Chinachem Group Learning + Fun Day 2017' and also part of Disneyland's 'Community Sharing Scheme 2016/17'.
Our first outing was held in early March with 96 participants. Not only was admission to Ocean Park free, transportation and meals were also provided. The fun day was an opportunity for participants to temporarily escape from the hard grind of their daily lives. In addition to the fun and beautiful environment of Ocean Park, there were guided tours and workshops led by a group of retirees as volunteer narrators at things like the North Pole Spectacular, Grand Aquarium, Amazing Asian Animals, and so on, all designed to share knowledge of the importance of conservation and sustainability.
Later in April, we arranged for more than 2,000 CA service users who were mainly from low-income families, or those receiving CSSA from the Government, to visit Disneyland. Some of our staff were also volunteers to escort the visitors to the Disneyland.
I am so chuffed to know that all the visitors enjoyed the day, and we were able to set an example of serving those who are vulnerable and in need in the community around us.
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