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Happily Ever After

That's what I hope and pray for following the wedding of one the children raised and grew up in the Xining's Children Home and Social Welfare Institute. Jenny was with us for over 20 years, now she will live with her loving husband.

The two returnees helped the bride
with her makeup

I went to Qinghai in July and was so ecstatic to know that Jenny is getting married in a couple of weeks. Her husband is a trustworthy man who has excelled in what he has done in the renovation industry.

August 7 was their special day. About 100 family members attended the wedding lunch banquet, and were witnesses to the bride and groom entering a new phase of their lives. Our CA staff in China (including Agnes and Xiao Zhou), as well as two returnees (USA adopted orphans returned to serve) - Abigail and Bingjie, also came to give their blessings to Jenny and her husband.

The two returnees even helped Jenny with her dress and makeup, so as to ensure that the bride would look her best at this special moment. She wore a traditional Chinese wedding dress embellished with some little jewels and layered flowers on her head, and she looked ravishing! Nothing in the wedding was over-dramatised or over-stylized - there were only two beautiful souls joining their lives together. There were waves of blessings from their families and friends.

I wish Jenny and her husband lots of wonderful moments of togetherness, and I pray they would know the abundant love of God.

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