Happy Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is almost here and celebrations are in full swing! We will be celebrating with over 1.4 billion people scattered all over the world. It's an important holiday because it gives families an opportunity to connect with one another, celebrate together, eat many delicious foods, and bless young people with lucky money, also known as lai see!
There are many blessings spoken to one another during this special holiday, and my favourite is the classic "恭喜發財/ Kung Hei Fat Choy!" which means, "Wishing you happiness and prosperity in the coming year."
Speaking of blessings, I pray that we would also lift up to God those precious children in Qinghai, who don't have the family gatherings which so many of us enjoy. Pray also for those in our midst who cannot afford to travel long distances to visit their families.
Finally, I will be praying for each of you to have a restful holiday, surrounded by your loved ones, and that you would know the love of Christ, and encouraged by the blessings he has poured out so generously for us.
Wishing you a prosperous and blessed new year,
Siew Mei
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