Giving Time to Relax

Moving to Hong Kong and the adjustment that comes with it is usually challenging. Such challenges can strain relationships within families. Helping newcomers to relax, spend time bonding with one another, and meeting other families in their community, can and does make a big difference in the lives of our residents.
On Saturday, January 6th, we partnered with PLK Madam Chan Wai Chau Memorial School and hosted a Family Day Camp. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with members of the community in Kowloon City and To Kwa Wan. We have been serving families in this area for many years.
The day began at 9:30am with 25 families (50 people) gathering for a group photo. Then the parents and children went to participate in separate activities. The children participated in several Adventure Games led by professional trainers. It was obvious that the kids really enjoyed the opportunity to learn something new.
While the children played, their parents participated in two workshops: one called "Healthy Snack Making" and the other called "Positive Parenting". One of the parents eagerly shared the experience with us:
"I really enjoyed today's family day camp! This was so valuable for our family, as it gave us the opportunity to spend quality time with our child which we seldom have. The workshops also taught us useful skills to better communicate with our children. We also had the opportunity to make ginger cookies with other parents. These workshops were very new to me and very exciting!"
This event was especially meaningful to us at CA because many of these families are New Arrivals.
I am thankful for the collaboration between Memorial School and Christian Action. Pray that we would be able to continue blessing families through our programmes for many years to come!
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