Happy Easter!
As winter slowly makes way for sunny Spring and bird song, we are once again reminded of the death and then the resurrection of Jesus Christ from a cold, dark tomb, and promising new life - life after death - to all who believe that He took the judgement of sinful mankind, and died in our place, promising new life to all who believe in Him.
It's easy to get lost in the maze of Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies, but for me and others at Christian Action, we are reminded of the healing power of Jesus when we see any of our children start living a new and happy life.
Remember Qun, one of our adopted children - see her story. In an effort to allow her more mobility, Qun underwent two major surgical procedures in 2013 and 2015.
After those difficult times, Qun is now very happy with her new family, and as a result of her surgery, she is learning to do new things every day. She can now jump and kick a soccer ball, ride a scooter, and even write and draw! She also has the ability to now complete some everyday tasks on her own, like walking up and down stairs (with railings) and dressing herself.
I pray that as we spend time this year reflecting on the cross and the empty tomb, we would also be inspired by the resurrection, and share with others the hope of eternal life!
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