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Hong Kong’s ‘National Emergency’

‘Our front-line and central administrative staff have been working nonstop to provide Emergency COVID-19 Relief Packs to those in distress. As soon as one distribution is completed, staff have to immediately rush out with the next.’

Hong Kong is facing an unprecedented crisis. We currently have the highest ratio of COVID related deaths in the world and everyone is feeling overwhelmed.

Medical products are in short supply, food prices have risen dramatically and supermarket shelves are often bare.

This fifth wave of COVID-19 is especially crushing for those whom we serve. These include low-income families who live in sub-divided rooms, the unemployed, refugees and ethnic minority domestic workers who have been dismissed from their jobs when they test positive. Many are ineligible for social welfare support and are left scrambling to survive.

This is where our partnership with you comes in. Our front-line and admin staff have been working nonstop to deliver Emergency COVID-19 Relief Packages to those who have COVID-19 or are suffering from related hardships. Please help by donating towards one or more Emergency COVID-19 Relief Packs.

Each Emergency COVID-19 Relief Pack costs approximately HK$1,200. It contains medicines, rapid test kits, masks, hand-sanitizers, basic foods and supermarket coupons. Please donate now to relieve Hong Kong’s struggling sectors of society.

Thank you and God bless you,
Siew Mei

The elderly in Hong Kong need our help to
provide anti-epidemic goods

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