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Over 60 Staff Stricken with COVID

The anti-pandemic bag is so useful!

During the fifth wave of this COVID outbreak, Christian Action distributed rapid test kits, Chinese medicine, paracetamol and other useful preventive products to all staff members to keep at home. My family was always so thankful for them because the shops usually sell out of these items as soon as they come into stock.

In March my entire family contracted Omicron and had to quarantine at home. If it had not been for this available stock from Christian Action, we would have been under a lot of stress. On hearing about my condition, CA also sent an additional emergency pack, donated by ICA to help all staff who were diagnosed positive. I am so grateful to be part of this office family, who take such very good care of us.

From Maggie, a Christian Action staff member

This week I would like to acknowledge my amazing frontline workers, the Fund-Raisers, the Administrative Staff, our Accounts office, and the Corporate Communications team. Together with our fabulous volunteers they have delivered over 52,000 rapid test kits to 6,500 lonely, traumatized people.

Their work has come at a cost. During these long, dark weeks of the fifth wave of COVID, we continued to serve refugees, the elderly, low-income families and other marginalized groups. And in the process, over 60 of our staff contracted COVID.

Because of the generosity of donors like you we were able to supply those in need, including our staff, with Emergency COVID-19 Relief Packs. By God’s good grace they are all fully-recovered and are back at work.

Thank you for your gifts and prayers. If you would like to continue to support this effort please click here.

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