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From a Cruel Fire Comes Blessing

Join us to support our work with Hong Kong's ethnic minorities

For the very first time in our history Hong Kong’s Social Workers Association (HKSWA) now has a chapter specifically taking care of the ethnic minority community. It has been convened by none other than Christian Action’s Manager and registered Social Worker at the Centre for Refugees, Jeffrey Andrews!

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Jeffrey Andrews is proving to be one of a kind. Jeffrey is ethnically Indian and has experienced discrimination directly. He also knows first-hand, how hard it is for Indian, Nepalese, Pakistani and African refugees and immigrants to get ahead if they cannot speak Cantonese.

Jeffrey’s passion and devotion to minorities drove him to become Hong Kong’s first ethnic minority qualified Social Worker in 2014. Today there are 18 ethnic minority social workers employed across various agencies. Together they have formed the Hong Kong Ethnically Diverse Social Workers (HKEDSW) chapter under HKSWA’s umbrella.

In November 2020, Hong Kong’s ethnic minority community was traumatized by a Nepali restaurant fire that tragically left scores dead. A few short years later, wave after wave of Covid-19 is causing unprecedented levels of depression and many more ethnic individuals to feel isolated, lost and more confused than at any time in the past.

HKEDSW’s inauguration represents the dawning of a new day for our minority community. Its aims are to enhance the professional development for Ethnically Diverse Social Workers, to raise public awareness of the different needs of these ethnic minority communities and to empower them with mutual support.

Jeffrey Andrews is one of the most passionate and committed social workers I know. I congratulate the HKSWA on their new chapter and I wish them, the HKEDSW team and Jeffrey every success!

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