Building Bonds with Cookies and Muffins
'Cooking is at once child's play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love.' I believe that cooking can also be an inspired tool for building community.
Christian Action has been blessed with some truly wonderful partner companies who have a real heart for our mission. Just recently for example, the staff from Ares SSG participated in a cooking class we held for children in our after-school childcare programme and it was a blast!
Mr. Carl Wong, the Principal of Infrastructure & Operations at Ares SSG, reported that long before the event started his colleagues were so enthusiastic that they filled up the quota for the cooking class almost immediately!
The three hour class had our Choi Wan area after-school childcare programme children, many of whom have special learning needs, working side-by-side with the Ares SSG staff. Together they whisked eggs, rolled the flour and learned to discipline themselves to follow the chef’s instructions least they miss out on the taste of fresh cookies and muffins!
Emma, one of the girls in the class, told us that this was the first time she had ever made cookies and muffins. But it was also a day of firsts for members of the Ares SSG, who Mr. Wong reports are now far more aware of the needs of students with Special Education Needs!
I’m so grateful for this wonderful chemistry between our service supporters and receivers, and we definitely will arrange these kinds of activities more often!