Mother’s Day Miracle
Can you believe it is 14 years since I started this blog?! Where has the time gone?!
On my ‘About Me’ page I wrote: ‘It was quite a shock when God gave me a vision to go to China and help orphaned and disabled children. As a mother myself, it gives me great joy to now see helpless children getting what they need: love, and professional care and for many, a new family.’
That was February, 2009. Little did I know the depth and breadth of the miracles that God would continue performing! At that time very few people in Northwest China had any understanding of disabilities, and there was much discrimination. As a result it was extremely challenging to attract local applicants to work in Xining Children’s Home!
We worked hard to educate the public and provide training for our local hires and today we have many wonderful staff. One example is Mui, an incredibly selfless and dedicated local Qinghai resident, who is a Caring Mother to Xining Children’s Home residents who have physical or intellectual disabilities. Mui goes out of her way to spend time with each of her charges and let them share about their day. She has grown children of her own, but was drawn to work at Xining Children’s Home. As their mother, she understands their loneliness, hopelessness, and fear, and she always assures the children she will not give up on them. She said, “My ‘children’ have taught me the true meaning of unconditional love, care, and genuine concern. I am beyond blessed to be their ‘Mom’.”
I praise God for the transformation in societal views towards those with disabilities and this Mother’s Day, I give special thanks for the Caring Mother’s He has given to our children!
Siew Mei