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Rededicating Christian Action To The Lord

“See, I am doing a new thing! I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19.

When I was around 21 years old, I recognized that if I were to spend the entirety of my life following my ambitions, then my life’s work would be as meaningless as chasing after the wind. Instead, I saw that I was a sinner and that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, loved me and was sacrificed for my sins, so that I could spend eternity with Him. In gratitude, I dedicated my life to serving Him!

About 12 years later, in 1992, when I was appointed Christian Action's Executive Director, I asked God to bless my efforts and this Organization, so that we could continue to do good for mankind.

In March of this year, I sensed that the Lord was preparing Christian Action (CA) to enter a new season. In Joshua 3:1 we read that Joshua was called to lead the Israelites to cross into the Promised Land. Before the crossing, the Israelites had to dedicate themselves to God’s higher purpose, and in the same way, I felt He was prompting me to formally rededicate CA to Him.

God confirmed his prompting shortly afterwards through my old friend and fellow Malaysian, Mr. Richard Yin, who heads the International Christian Assembly (ICA) Marketplace Ministry. Richard knew nothing of what God had been laying on my heart, yet felt compelled to kindly offer to conduct a Blessing and Dedication Service at our headquarters!

The service was held on April 19, 2024, and Dr. Edmound Teo, Senior Pastor, Rev. Andisit Tiet, Executive Pastor at ICA, and Ms. Patricia Lau, Executive Director of Alpha and Sharon, kindly joined in prayer and witnessed our commitments to the Lord.

The occasion was solemn, meaningful, and moving. Together with the management team and all our hard-working colleagues, we declared our faith in the Lord and agreed that CA belongs to Him. We are His conduits, called to serve the neediest in the city and to share His love and care.

To memorialize and confirm our commitment to serving God, a certificate of Blessings and Dedication was presented to me on behalf of everyone at CA. I truly thank God for His love and kindness.

In closing, I would like to quote from Joshua 24:15, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” Let’s join hands to enter a new season, which the Lord has prepared for CA!

All glory to God,
Siew Mei

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