


A Legend Comes To Visit

For six years, a legendary figure has existed in the minds of Tibetan students in Qinghai. He and his friends have changed the lives of many residents high on the Tibetan Plateau. No longer does the future of their children look bleak, and no longer are their children without hope.

The words 'Dr. Yue and Friends' are always accompanied by a buzz of excitement, not only among poor Tibetan students from Huangnan Children's Home and Tongren Ethnic High School, but also at our Hong Kong headquarters. The students recently got to meet the legendary Dr. Yue together with those of his friends who could make the journey – who were in turn excited by what they saw.

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Living in Transition

Moving house is quite traumatic for most of us - especially if it is from one country to another. We are neither here nor there - most of our possessions are in transit, and for weeks it feels as if we too are in transit.

Imagine then the trauma of those who have lived 'in transit' for up to 10 years. There was no farewell party, and their destination is unknown. That describes every refugee and asylum seeker.

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Living the Dream

Alice is no different to many a teenager whose family has faced a financial crisis. But the fact that she is now on the way to achieving her dream job is entirely because of people like you who have supported Christian Action's Child Development Fund.

You have helped to successfully change a young woman's future humdrum working life into something she only dreamed about before she came to us.

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A Cinderella Story

We know it so well: her parent dies, a step-parent enters, and that poor girl's life is changed forever. For the children of poor nomadic Tibetans, losing a parent to accident or disease is common. Regardless of the emotional state of the child, the remaining parent must remarry quickly. It's a matter of survival. And if the step-parent already has children, the grieving child is rarely accepted and usually becomes a 'servant' - the last to be fed and without hope of an education. Young Decou was a Tibetan Cinderella.

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The Sound of Music

The sound of a dentist's drill is unmistakable. For many of us, it's something that causes us to break out in a cold sweat. But for the social workers in Xining Children's Home that sound can have a very sweet ring to it.

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