


Best Birthday Gift

A newborn Kilyan Wei, while still living at Xining Children's Home

Birthdays are a time of remembering, so even when our children have left the children's home, we still send them birthday greetings. None of our children will ever have reason to think that they have been forgotten by us after they have moved to be with a forever family.

When I recently received a reply from one of our adoptive parents, I simply had to share it with you! Enjoy...

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Hope for a Haunted Boy

Traumatic childhood images buried in the unconscious have been found to have long-term behavioral effects. Many times those effects are not recognized, bringing even more trauma for the growing young person. San Ji was one such person.

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Double Jeopardy

All legal residents of Hong Kong enjoy the excellent subsidised national healthcare available to those of us who have employment. But what happens to those without employment is often heart-rending and in some cases, grossly unjust.

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Everybody Wins

One of our greatest challenges is funding our programmes for refugees, asylum seekers, and domestic helpers – none of which are funded by the government or large funding bodies. These are highly controversial programmes, so securing funding is challenging and often downright impossible.

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No Happy Ending

A nurse attends to Gong during his pre-surgery hospitalisation

It was a perfect little family picture: Dad going off to work on his motorbike; waving goodbye to his wife, 3-year-old daughter, and baby son. Treacherous mountain passes and poor roads wrote the end to that happy little family story.

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