


Santa in the Marine Corps!

"Shopping and eating!" may well be a prompt and honest response from the average Hong Kong'er if you asked what their hobbies were, especially over the Christmas period. But there are sections of the population for whom shopping sprees and attending family feasts are impossibilities - a heartbreaking situation for single parents who would love to feed their children and buy gifts without worrying about what tomorrow would bring.

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Portrait of a Tough Life

One of Rasta's winning shots

In 2012, in order to finance future art programmes at Chung King Mansions Service Centre for Refugees and Asylum Seekers, a talented young man’s photographs were sold at the Soul in the Metropolis exhibition.

That young man's personal story is as dramatic as his photography.

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Angels in Disguise 

There is no way to completely resolve or cure arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. That's a very sad prognosis to hear about one of the little children in Xining Children's Home, but where there's life, I believe we must persist in helping a child be the best person they can possibly be. And that persistence and assistance comes in many forms. Sometimes it's in the form of an angel who is a medical foster parent!

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The Year of the Horse

2014 is the year of the horse according to the Lunar Calendar. It is considered to be a good year, a year of good fortune. In the Bible, horses represent power (among other things), which in modern terms means money.

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Exploring the Big, Wide World

When little children come to us, with the help of willing volunteers we are able to take them on occasional outings. Just as for Emma Si Tian Baker, these outings are a highlight in the children's lives, but they are nothing like the family trips Emma now gets to take with her forever family. As you can see, since she was adopted by Nichole and Daniel, Emma has lived the life of an explorer! Here's the latest news from Nicole.

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