


Community at its best

Claire has overcome many obstacles to reach her dreams

An ingenious balance of individual, community and government, is resulting in changed lives. 

One example of that change is evident in the life of Claire, a beautiful, bubbly self-confident young woman with a flair for languages and a love of singing.

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Being Five

Being five years old for most of us marked the end of those baby days of learning how to roll over; sit up; reach for toys and of course how to attract attention! Being five means being 'a big girl/boy', wearing a school uniform for the first time, and starting a whole new chapter of our lives.

For a little girl called Pande, being five will mean being able to do something most of us have taken for granted every single day of our lives. Being five will mean Pande will be able to bend her knees.

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Goodbye 2013! Hello 2014!

Seasons Greetings from Nelson Yau (insert), Brian Wong,Polly Yu, Siew Mei Cheung Ang, Lisa Loo, Mienne Leung and Weber Kwok

2013 has been a good year, and I believe 2014 will be good too! Whatever happens, I know that I can trust God with the future. The prophet Jeremiah said: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (29:11) What a comfort to have God's Word as my guide, and I know I can rest in the promises of His Word. I have a handful of senior staff who have faithfully stood alongside me, working hard to make a difference in the lives of our service recipients. These are the holiday greetings they sent to you, our supporters:

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Christmas Praises

As the year draws to a close and I prepare to enter the new year in my usual style - full steam ahead - I am grateful for the opportunity that Christmas gives me to reflect on the past year with all its very significant highs and lows!

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Shattered Hopes

Photo: Beth Rankin

Hong Kong is often thought to be a kind of Promised Land for those who leave their own countries hoping to find a better life for their families.

Five years ago, a young couple we shall call Mr. and Mrs. X, had high expectations when they joined other members of their family in Hong Kong. Drugs and imprisonment were not part of their dreams, but that became the reality.

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