


It's Christmas Time...

Wow! It's Christmas time again, and what an exciting time it is! The malls are decked out with beautiful decorations, and over the buzz of activity you can hear Christmas carols being broadcast through the sound system of every mall in town. Since 2010 you may have also had the privilege of seeing real people singing carols in the streets of Hong Kong. Many of them are not just doing it for fun but because they want to raise funds for underprivileged children.

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Santa's Surprise

Children from families that have migrated to Hong Kong from mainland China frequently find themselves at a disadvantage in our community. Their mothers are either low-income earners or unable to work, so they are dependent on welfare. Fathers may be deceased, or they simply disappear because they're too stressed by the burden of providing for the family.

Children from such families never dream of meeting anyone famous, but Christmas is a time of surprises!

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Going Somewhere

Most children enjoy an outing, and going away on holiday once a year can be one of the highlights of a child's life. Yet going away and re-locating in a new place where the language and culture is different to everything the child has known is often traumatic.

There are literally thousands of such children in Hong Kong, but as a supporter of the work of Christian Action, you are helping to ease the trauma of some of these children. The lives of children like 9 year old Ying are being changed, thanks to you!

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Inspiring confidence

The current world economy is creating many concerns, especially for unskilled workers as they face the threat of unemployment. At Christian Action we are training and equipping people with limited skills to re-enter the job market.  We want to give them the opportunity to earn higher salaries than they did before.

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It’s Carnival Time!

Wah-chun and Sai-sai are much better off now that they have been absorbed into the community built by faithful volunteers.

This weekend, November 24th & 25th, Christian Action will be joining forces with International Christian Assemblies at a carnival celebrating the diversity of cultures that make Hong Kong a vibrant and exciting world class city. We've called the carnival One People One City. But whenever we celebrate the benefits of living here, we must also remember the suffering of those who 'fall between the cracks' in our communities.

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