


A Winning Game

A simple act of kindness can make a world of difference in the life of someone who needs encouragement - and every one of us is able to perform many simple acts of kindness.

In the case of Christina, one of the mentors in our Hong Kong Child Development Fund, it was a simple invitation to play badminton that helped shape the future of a younger person.

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Sharing Happiness

Last week was one of really special celebrations! Yes, the Lunar New Year is the most important holiday in China, and I spent it with my friends and loved ones, including a special Malaysian meal at my home with the Christian Action team from China. But that's not the only special celebration I want to tell you about - this one is a miracle!

It's a miracle that eight year old Ji spent the holidays with 'family'. Born with congenital heart disease, he came to live with us at Xining Children's home when he was a tiny baby, struggling to survive. His condition was so serious, there were no doctors in Qinghai knowledgeable enough to treat him...

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Use As Needed...

In the early 90's, when I started working as Executive Director of Hong Kong Christian Aid to Refugees (as we were known then), I thought I was going to gently lay the organisation to rest, because after all, the Vietnamese refugees were leaving Hong Kong and our services were no longer needed, right? Wrong!

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Bridges of Friendship

Nature sometimes has a funny way of working in with our plans! In late 2012 International Christian Assemblies (ICA) and Christian Action organized a carnival which we called One People One City.

Our aim was to raise funds so that we could build bridges of friendship with the people of Tin Shui Wai. But on the day we almost needed more solid bridges than that!

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Ming's Hong Kong Family!

Two weeks ago I introduced you to a little guy called Ming from Xining Children's Home. Ming is currently in Hong Kong for specialist medical care that is not available in China. His condition is a little complicated, but there is an excellent team of specialists who are ensuring that he has the best treatment Hong Kong can offer. I had the privilege of visiting Ming at Prince of Wales Hospital while he was having tests recently. But I wanted to share a lovely miracle with you...

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