


I'm Dreaming Big!

It was a big day for us in 2012 when Xining Children's Home was designated by the China Central Government as the childcare worker training centre in Qinghai Province. In December, management, staff, and childcare workers from Haixi, Huangnan, Yushu, and Guoluo Prefectures came to Xining Children's Home for an intensive 10 day training course in professional child care.

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A Reason to Celebrate

I'm going to intrude on your January holiday to bring you another story about Christmas. There simply wasn't enough time for me to tell you about the many ways in which we've reached out to lonely, vulnerable people and shared the love of Christ during the festive season. Domestic helpers who have been exploited have been among them.

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A Heart-Stealer Called Ming

It seems impossible for a six-day old baby to steal hearts, but that was his age when Ming joined the Christian Action family at Xining Children's Home. Everyone who has had the privilege of looking after him has been smitten with Ming. I can't imagine how heartbroken his parents must have been to decide that the only way he could get medical treatment was for them to 'abandon' him.

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Happy New Year

Today I'm reflecting on Christian Action's service in 2012, and I know that all we have achieved has happened because of the dedication and hard work of our frontline workers and you, our generous donors. Nobody appreciates your support more than those we have served over the last year, so I'm giving them an opportunity to thank you themselves.

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A Very Happy Christmas!

No matter where you are today or who you are with, and especially if you are alone, remember that God loves YOU! The coming of Jesus our Saviour is a demonstration of His love for every one of us enjoy the day, and treasure that thought always! Thank you for helping Christian Action put Christ's love into action as you have given of your love, your time, your money and your prayers. We definitely cannot do it without you!

God bless you,
Siew Mei, Marlon and Danial