


They Ate Less So She Could Have More

With Ka-Wei and her mentor, Cheng Oi-Jan

I met Ka-Wei a few weeks ago when I visited our Tin Shui Wai Centre which serves disadvantaged children. She is the eldest of five children and has the typical strong personality of a 15-year-old.  Rebellion against authority seems to come naturally for children of this age, and Ka- Wei was no exception.

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Wishing You a Healthy, Happy 2012!

My husband Marlon, my son Danial and I have enjoyed celebrating the birth of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.  I don't usually talk about my faith on this blog, but Christmas is unique for Christians, so Marlon, Danial and I hope that it was also a unique time for you and your family. 

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Hope and a Future

There was much rejoicing two years ago when Shannon and John Silva came to take their adopted daughter Madison (Liang Ying) from Xining Children's Home back to their home in the USA. We celebrated together before their departure, something I try to do with all our adopted children. Whenever children from our homes go to be with their forever families, I wonder to myself what their future will look like, and how they will face the obstacles life has a habit of presenting. Shannon's latest update answers some of those questions...

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A Win-Win Solution

Serving struggling families in Hong Kong and serving disadvantaged people who come to Hong Kong are both primary aims for Christian Action.

About eight years ago I thought of a way we could help to achieve both these aims and at the same time help to save our environment!  I didn't realize back then that we would also be helping every HK resident who lives in a tiny flat with little or no storage space! Here's how we're achieving an all-round win-win solution.

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They Call Me "Mama", & They Mean It!

When I chose to work with orphaned and abandoned children in Qinghai, I never realized how deeply I would care for them. Whenever a child needs help, I imagine that he or she is my own flesh and blood, and then take action. I know that childcare is not easy, but caring for disabled children is even harder. Because I cannot be a full time mother to them, I rely on house mothers. While filming a video for our recent 25th Anniversary celebrations, two of them opened their hearts to me...

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