


Romance blossoms in Qinghai

Working far away from family and friends can sometimes be challenging. When I saw Hong Kong born Ida Tang go off to work in Xining Children’s Home four years ago, I had peace in my heart that she would manage all the challenges that were in store for her. Neither of us had any idea how really exciting her life would become...

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Refugees' Support Cut

Robert in consultation with his social worker

I have met Robert several times during my visits to our centre where we offer help to struggling refugees and asylum seekers. He was once a man of influence, but because he disagreed with the ruling political party in his home country, he was forced to flee. The alternative was possible imprisonment or even death. I recently heard about his life since coming to Hong Kong. It is a sad and unjust story.

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Mission Accomplished!

When we raise up a child in the way he or she should go, we parents have to consider an all-round education - not just in school studies, but also in preparation for responsible community life. We try to do the same through Christian Action's service.

Many of our Pak Ming Tak Scholarship recipients who are studying in Xining are orphans. They have lived on welfare all their lives. They have no idea that they have something of value to give to others, so we showed them that they too have something to give.

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Tomorrow's Promising Leaders

High School graduates from Zeku county have little or no chance of going to university. I wrote about Peng Mao last week, and now I want to tell you about Duo Jie and Cai Rang.  These are all students who are now keen to 'give back' out of gratitude for what they have received.

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Multiplying a Legacy!

Myself, Mr. Wan Ma, Director of the Huangnan Civil Affairs Bureau and Mr. Geng Jia Director of Huangnan Children's Home

I recently attended the funeral of Madame Lu, founder of Pak Ming Tak Foundation, and one of our most faithful supporters. At the ceremony, I was pleasantly surprised to see a photograph of a large group of scholarship students from Huangnan Children's Home. Over the past four years Madame Lu has financed an extension to the home, and granted over 350 scholarships to promising secondary school graduates through Christian Action.

One of those children, Peng Mao, is now determined to pass on to others what he has received, thanks to Madame Lu's thoughtfulness and generosity.

A very serious and camera shy Peng Mao, could not be persuaded to smile

Peng Mao’s mother died when he was young.  Then, when his father was later injured in a car accident and could no longer work, the family decided that Peng Mao should go to Huangnan Children’s Home, while his sister stayed home to look after their father.

Determined to get an education, find a job, and reunite his family, 14-year-old Peng Mao put his head down and studied. His hard work secured a Pak Ming Tak scholarship to gain a High School Certificate. Under the guidance of Christian Action social worker Xia Qi, Peng Mao chose to develop his creative talents in the field of architecture. Another scholarship from the Pak Ming Tak Foundation turned that dream into reality! Now a second year student at Qinghai Architectural Technical Institute in Xining, here’s what Peng Mao has to say.

Coming to Xining was challenging! I was very shy and lonely at first, and I needed a lot of practice speaking Mandarin (his mother tongue is Amdo Tibetan). I lacked self confidence. My dream of reuniting my family once I graduate in 2013 helps me to overcome all the hard times. I am grateful to Christian Action and Huangnan Children’s Home, and one day I want to help others less fortunate than myself, giving back what I have received.

I am sure Madame Lu is smiling down on Ping Mao from heaven! Fortunately he is not the last student she will help, as the Pak Ming Tak Foundation will continue to support many more promising children who are desperate for an education. The staff and I at Christian Action, and all the students whose dreams have come true because of Madame Lu, thank God for leading this wonderful woman to live and give so that her legacy would live on.

You too can create your own living legacy by donating today towards our High School or Tertiary Education Scholarship Programme.  Just contact me and we can get started!