


Kelvin the Mobilizer!

You and I give children toys at Christmas, but last Christmas Kelvin Ho gave one of our disabled children a fantastic gift - the ability to hold a toy unassisted for the very first time!

But that's not the only thing he gave last Christmas. Kelvin gave up three days of his holidays to teach the staff at our Xining Children's Home how to mobilize previously stiff limbs.

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Looking through the eyes of Love

There are times in our lives when we unexpectedly witness what we know is a miracle. I believe you will be as encouraged as I am about the following incident told to me by Ida, a colleague who serves in one of our Children's Homes in Qinghai.

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Happy New Year! 新年快樂! (San Nin Fai Lok)

Chinese New Year is the most important festival in the Chinese calendar, and there’s a lot of symbolism in various aspects of the celebration.  For example, a fish dish at the end of the New Year’s Eve meal is as traditional as the Christmas dinner that finishes with a plum pudding containing silver coins.  But I think the Chinese fish dish has more symbolism.

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Helping with the Garbage

Most teenagers (including my son Danial) hate taking out the garbage.  But I know an exception to this rule. In fact, fourteen-year-old Zi-Wei is not only exceptional, he is inspirational to me.  Yet there was nothing in his past to encourage him to be a help to anyone.  Zi-Wei is now a special ed. student at Xining Rehabilitation Centre and I’m happy to share his story with you.

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If Walls Could Speak

Last week I was very surprised to get a visit from Fred Lam Diep, who now lives in Australia with his family. I first met Fred almost 26 years ago when he was a teenager without a country. He was one of the many children who attended the school we were running in our basement for Vietnamese refugees. Fred’s visit to the same building in which he was once a refugee would have stirred deep memories for him. Here’s a little of what he said as he looked back on his time in Hong Kong...

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