


Found by "An Angel"

I want to tell you about Xiao-Li and her daughter Mei-Mei. They were excited about moving from Sichuan Province to Hong Kong where her husband Cheng-gong lived and worked. Mei-Mei would finally be re-united with her father. They had arranged to meet him outside the train station in Hong Kong but he was late. Xiao-Li checked her cellphone, one voice message: "I'm in trouble, debt up to my eyeballs. I've been evicted. You're on your own, sorry, take care".

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Sixty Years On...

Sixty years after the signing of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, 43.7 million people are seeking asylum from persecution. Half of them are children. Their home-land is no longer a place of safety; it has become their enemy.  Asylum seekers sojourning in Hong Kong are nothing more than murky shadows in the minds of most people here, and when refugees do pluck up enough courage to step out of those shadows, they are feared.

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Harmony in Diversity

Hong Kong is often labeled a 'world class city', yet people of ethnic minorities, who are a part of our world, still find it difficult to integrate with the Hong Kong community.

At our Celebrate Colours Carnival on November 5th people from these ethnic minorities had the opportunity to showcase talents worthy of a world class city. Gill Mohinderpual Singh is Christian Action’s official Ambassador, and we are proud to have his support for our programmes which assist with the integration of ethnic minorities. He is known in Hong Kong as Q-BoBo, and is a much loved entertainer and artist as well as being a wonderful example of the positive contribution made by ethnic minorities to our internationally renowned city. He started his career as an officer in the correctional services department, before moving on to become the well known personality he is today. He shared the key to his success. 

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A Celebration of Giving!

What better way could we have celebrated Christian Action's 25th Anniversary dinner than to have two living examples of whole-hearted giving present with us on that night?

Fifteen-year-old Douge, who faced death two years ago, was with us and was a reminder of the generous giving of all CA's donors over the years who have made it possible for us to care for the children in Xining Children's Home and Huangnan Children's Home. Douge portrayed what happens when donors and volunteer medical teams contribute money and time to help the most helpless in our society.

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Mommies fix boo-boos!

Maintaining contact with adoptive families is important to me, and I regularly correspond via email or by sending birthday cards to our precious children who have gone to live with their forever families. I recently received a letter from Donna Arnold, relating a conversation she had with her adoptive daughter, Carly, now four years old. They were looking at photographs of their departure from Hong Kong two years ago when I said goodbye to Carly. When I read the letter below, it brought tears to my eyes!

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