


Ripples Of Happiness!

Happy New Year! Over the last few weeks my family celebrated God's love in the gift of his Son, Jesus, on Christmas Day. As is our custom, we also exchanged gifts. But one of the most moving gifts I received was not from my family but from the children and staff of the Huangnan Children's Home, where Dou Ge lives. Following are extracts from some letters and I share them with you to thank you for your prayers, donations and your promotion of her cause. Read and be happy!

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Angels We Have Heard On High

After feasting all Christmas I have a feast for you - a feast for the eyes! Gorgeous pictures from high altitude Qinghai province on the Tibetan plateau. Tibetan nomad families once impoverished - now with a fresh start thanks to the provision of a small but sturdy brick home provided by Christian Action supporters; students at rural schools we are building and orphans in the Children's Homes we co-manage.


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Celebrate The Perfect Child!

Christmas greetings to you and your family from 4,000 meters above sea level in Qinghai!My communication with you on this blog has often been about a baby or a child with some kind of problem, and again and again I've asked for your help, both in prayer and sometimes financially. Isn't it awesome that at this time of year we are all focussed on a Child, a perfect baby, named Jesus! Isn't it wonderful that God sent Jesus to us, not because He had a problem, but because every one of us is in need! And isn't it truly Good News that He came to us, ready to pay the penalty for our sins and so reconcile us to our holy and righteous God! I'm sure you're as thankful as I am that 'God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.' (John 3:17)

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She Is Alive!

She is alive! She is alive! Dou Ge's brain tumor was successfully removed and the doctors believe it to be benign. She is alive! She is alive! Can you believe how big this is for her? Only last month I was filled with dread as I asked you to pray - today this beautiful girl is tumor free and has her entire life to look forward to. If Dou Ge was your child what would you be shouting? Shout with me: "She is alive! She is alive!"

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More Stunning News!

Three weeks ago I told you about 15 year-old Dou Ge who had been given four months to live by doctors in Qinghai. A week later I told you that a brain surgeon, Dr Wong, had read my blog, contacted his colleague, Dr Zhu in Hong Kong; they’d studied Dou Ge’s MRIs and believed that she could be saved.

Now here’s more stunning news... right now, as I send this to you, Dou Ge is undergoing life-saving surgery!

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