


Update Post-Fire

Our fabulous (and very appreciative!) Centre for Refugees Team. Front row (L to R) Yanmi, Mary, Jeff, Anina and (back row) volunteer Rob. Not pictured: Jonnet, Kalyan, Wilton, and Aime

One month after the awful fire on the morning of August 29, we are well on our way to rebuilding our Centre for Refugees (CFR). Thank you very much for your generosity! Over HK$1.7 million was donated – which was more than twice our initial fundraising target!

I can also report the good news that our wonderful CFR staff have managed to create a new, temporary work space on the 16/F and have been able to resume services to all our refugees!

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The Ripple Effect 

Summer holidays are over and our students are back at school. Christian Action has been recognising and supporting disadvantaged students in Qinghai since 2008. Our Education Grant Programme helps students pay for their university tuition and living expenses. In exchange, the students have to be involved in CA’s community services. That involvement helps cultivate their sense of responsibility to society. Over the years CA has supported a total of 1,922 such students.

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Lost and Found

Sri lost of parts of her middle finger and injured her index finger at work.

When they arrive here, migrant domestic workers are at a disadvantage. They cannot speak the language, do not have a support circle, and no knowledge of our legal system.  CA’s free para-legal consultation services is a great blessing for them.

For example, Sri, an Indonesian, came here to work for a family in February 2017. One day, her employer asked her to move a concrete wash basin. In the process, it accidentally slipped, crushing Sri’s left index and middle fingers. Parts of her middle finger came off. Sri’s employers took her to the Accident & Emergency Department for medical attention.

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Fire!  Fire! 

August 29 was a sad day for us. Our Christian Action Centre for Refugees (CFR) on the 17th floor at Chungking Mansions was engulfed in flames. Thankfully no one was hurt. But one week later, despite our best efforts to clean the office and resume serving the refugees, the walls and ceilings were still black, electronics were down and I could still smell burned plastic.

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Touching Lives

In our various ministries to the disadvantaged, we hear many heart-warming stories.

Jal and Pervin Shrof, have been involved with Christian Action for over 10 years. The Shroffs are part of a refugee family who had fled Persia (now Iran). Jal’s parents lived in Shanghai for a few years, but came to Hong Kong during WWII, and eventually made Hong Kong their home.

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