


SCMP’s Young Post News highlights The Displaced Cookbook!

On July 23, Rhea Mogul highlighted the cookbook by teenager, Chloe Yau, in the SCMP’s Young Post News. The book is a fundraiser for our work with refugees and asylum seekers.

Chloe is 15 years-old, and has produced the first cookbook that not only includes recipes, but also refugee stories. She is a student at United World College, Costa Rica.

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It really is 'More Blessed to Give than to Receive'

Here’s some news which doesn’t make the headlines! Our Christian Action colleagues are among the most generous people I know. Over 60 staff have donated to support our $10,000 Reasons campaign!

Ada is a senior manager of our China team. She manages services and activities for our children in Qinghai. She regularly witnesses the gaps in our services and our funding. When she heard about the $10,000 Reasons campaign, she and her husband both donated the full amount of the government handout. She said, “It wasn’t a hard decision! Hong Kong fares better than China on the socioeconomic level.”

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Fighting COVID-19 and Ethnic Disadvantages

Unlike many local Chinese, some of our ethnic minority friends did not go through the SARS epidemic in 2003, so they were completely unprepared for COVID-19. Even at locally organised COVID relief events, many couldn’t understand Cantonese, so they missed key information on how to obtain face masks, sanitisers and disinfectants. It saddens me deeply to see the inequality they are faced with in their daily lives.

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$10,000 Good Reasons!

This week I'm asking every reader in Hong Kong to please join Christian Action's $10,000 Reasons appeal on behalf of children in our great city.

They are the children who belong to refugee families, they are a part of ethnic minority communities, and they are children whose families live in sub-divided flats. They have all been hit very hard by the pandemic and the social unrest.

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The Long Road to Recovery

As the world continues to struggle with COVID-19, life as we know it seems to have changed or stopped. Since Jan 2020, I have made a continuous effort to keep CA productive and stay in the spirit of serving the underserved. It is not easy but instead of looking at our own problems, it is important to remember to give thanks for what we have and keep a compassionate heart for those who are really suffering. I want to share something positive with you.

Recently our colleagues wrote an update to me about the progress of a Tibetan girl called Lala. When I looked at the photos, it brought tears to my eyes, the image of this gorgeous girl flooded my mind with memory and thankfulness that God rewrote Lala’s story, turning what was impossible to become possible.

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