


Walking the Extra Mile

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40

The Coronavirus outbreak has affected everyone’s lives in Hong Kong, but no group is more vulnerable than Hong Kong’s elderly. This is especially the case for our elderly poor, many of whom live in overcrowded apartment buildings and don’t even have funds for basic protections such as masks. This week I want to share with you a small miracle that occurred during my family’s stay back home in Malaysia which allowed us to serve Hong Kong’s elderly poor.

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A Coronavirus Update

Thank you everyone for reaching out to me about the children and those we serve. In spite of all the upheavals there is good news!

Qinghai Province has had eighteen confirmed Covid-19 cases, all of whom have fully recovered and been discharged from hospital. Our Children's Homes in Huangnan, Guoluo, Hainan and Haixi are located outside of designated epidemic control areas and their surrounding populations all returned to work in mid-February. The children in our Xining Children's Home are also safe and protected. This is due in large part to officers from Civil Affairs, who have been ceaseless in making sure we have all we need, and our local partner who quickly enforced a strict ‘staff only' access policy and postponed all outings.

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An Angelic Child

Home is a place where our families are able to live safely, secure in their parents' love. In that process children learn about relationships and then education, all of which are important for a child's development. Sadly, not all children enjoy such a life. Our kids in Qinghai do not have their own families or homes.

In 2000, the Xin Ning Court Small Group Home Programme was set up at Xining Children's Home. It has been providing a loving family environment for children. They enjoy life with surrogate parents who look after them, love, and encourage them.

Children in five families in Xin Ning Court have their own stories to tell. I am really blessed to see the children blossom into happy, confident children. Yong Yong is one such child. She grew up in Xining Children's Home, and had many physical problems. She is unable to walk normally due to a medical condition. She is unable to bend her legs. When she was about ten years old, she went to live in Xin Ning Court.

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Empowering Women

On March 8, women worldwide will again celebrate International Women’s Day. I enjoy celebrating this occasion, because it is a good reminder that we women are precious to God.

International Women’s Day is a reminder to us to continue empowering the vulnerable women who live all around us. One such group in our midst are migrant domestic workers, who are mostly overlooked by our society.

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Composing a Bright Future

The words of a popular song by Whitney Houston are: ‘I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside …'

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