


Coming Together to Feed HK

With the food aid received via Feeding Hong Kong, our Mongkok Service Centre staff have given food supplies to 120 local families. We have also received many calls from individuals who have asked if we have enough food for the needy. Some have generously covered food expenses, without expecting anything in return! Since February, we have also assisted over 50 low-income families apply for and secure food assistance from the government. I am grateful for these provisions. Acts of charity like these make me so happy because we can continue serving those in need.

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Love in action

Recently, Channel News Asia (CNA), a Singaporean news channel, aired a programme focused on how the virus impacted Asian countries. They invited me to tell listeners about the challenges of running a charity during COVID-19.

I emphasised that the virus took a serious toll on those we serve, because many of them became unemployed or underemployed. That made it impossible for them to secure daily necessities. Although all of our services and programmes were suspended, we invited our service users, by appointment, to receive relief packages and food boxes to ease their daily struggles.

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Ready to re-open!

For more than one week, there has been just one locally infected coronavirus case. Halleluiah!

Life is beginning to return to normal. More than 13,000 students will be taking their university entrance examinations, public entertainment venues will be re-opened, and the government will begin relaxing social distance regulations. There will be increasing flexibility as the situation continues to improve.

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Nothing but Rice

A refugee mother recently came to our Centre for Refugees to collect her food package. After showing her appreciation with her customary bow, she told our staff “My kids and I have eaten only rice for several days because we had no other food.” Tears welled up in her eyes. Can you imagine meeting someone like that, and hearing what she said, “Nothing but rice.”? In the midst of the wealth in Hong Kong, that was a very sad thing for our staff to hear.

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Qinghai is coming out of lockdown

What a relief that Hong Kong’s daily confirmed new coronavirus cases have plummeted to single digits! Many of you have asked about our children in Qinghai during this time - and there is also fabulous news from there. All of them are coronavirus free!

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