


Rose, a Blooming Fighter

Rose is now 6 and has started her first year at Kindergarten!

It will soon be World Adoption Day - a day to honour those who have made the selfless decision to adopt a child into a loving home. I get emotional when I think about the times I have witnessed God's hand in the lives of families who have done this.

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Celebrating Years of Blessings

"I lost my Mum when I was 8. For 13 years I lived, and eventually worked in the Children's Home. Without Christian Action, I wouldn't have been able to enter tertiary education and make a living out of my knowledge and academic qualification!" Zhaxi, one of our Qinghai children shared those words on the stage in our Vision-Sharing luncheon.

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Season of Love

Autumn is finally here! I get excited when the leaves float down from trees, and the temperature drops from summer heat to cool autumn breezes. This heralds our upcoming winter holidays. It is truly a season of refreshing change.

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Sharing the Vision at Qinghai

For years, Christian Action has invited influencers from other countries to visit Qinghai and see our work. This year, Marlon and I were truly blessed by the visit of pastors and leaders from churches in Malaysia and Hong Kong. They had taken time off to come and see the vision of our ministry and give us their feedback.

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Summer Fun

I have previously told you about the exciting summer camps Christian Action has planned for our children in Qinghai. Well, the fun does not stop there! Here in Hong Kong, our ministry coordination team has planned several challenging activities for the youth we serve. We want to make their summer vacation enjoyable, but more importantly, we want them to discover their hidden talents and potential.

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