


A Year of Training Victories

Christian Action has been pioneering the training of employees since 1993, and for many years we have received awards from the Employees Retraining Board (ERB). ERB recognises the significance of the work we are doing for our community and the Hong Kong job market.

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Our Sixth Three-legged Walk!

For six years we have had a fun-filled day with a purpose as we have gathered to support children in need.

Again this year it was a wonderful event, in a beautiful location thanks to Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club. There were even more challenges this year.

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A Voice for the Voiceless

We went on site visit to Hung Fuk Estate in Yuen Long in 2016. Click here to read the Housing Authority’s press release!

The odds are stacked against low-income families in Hong Kong. At Christian Action, we believe that Jesus has called us to be a voice for the voiceless, so it has been my honour to do just that. From 2012 to early 2018 I have been a member of the Subsidised Housing Committee, which is part of Hong Kong Housing Authority.

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Happy Easter!

As winter slowly makes way for sunny Spring and bird song, we are once again reminded of the death and then the resurrection of Jesus Christ from a cold, dark tomb, and promising new life - life after death - to all who believe that He took the judgement of sinful mankind, and died in our place, promising new life to all who believe in Him.

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Loving the Elderly

We will all be elderly one day! As a society, Hong Kong is aging rapidly, and with this reality come many challenges. Many of our elderly residents are lonely - and that's where we can step in and serve them.

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