


Let's Climb!

We began hosting a community event on July 22, sponsored by Kwun Tong District Council.

We wanted to bring families together to climb a wall at our place - New Horizons Building! There's a lot to gain by putting down all the electronic devices and enjoying a challenging time with the whole family.

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Children At Risk

How should we protect children who are at risk of exploitation? Most of us would hardly know how and where to begin such a vitally important task. As with anything really important it needs training. So that is what we have been doing - but we're not doing it alone.

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A Place Called Home

An open refugee camp is only a temporary refuge. Home is where there are people who will look out for us and care about our future life. To some people, the New Horizons Building may seem ordinary, but for those who have called it home, it served as a starting place, a place to begin working towards a new and better life.

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Flying the Flag

What have cats and stickers got to do with giving hope to various marginalized communities in Hong Kong?

The answer is Mango Naoko, this year's Caring Artist. Mango is a Japanese illustrator who has always had a love for cats. Throughout her childhood, she remembers feeding, visiting with, and taking stray cats to receive medical attention. The more she cared for these stray cats, the more they became a part of her family.

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'Gospel' To The Patients

Song Fangji had a cleft lip and palate, and was recently referred by the Qinghai Social Welfare Association to the Cornerstone and Qinghai Welfare Charity Hospital (QWCH) for medical treatment. We began coordinating with Cornerstone in 2015. Following his successful surgery, Fangji expressed his gratitude in a letter, part of which is included here.

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