


Blossoming Women

Our floriculture students are blossoming!

Have you ever planted a seed and watched it grow? When the first green shoot appears it's an incredible marvel - a miracle that such a small seed will provide all that's needed to produce a new life. I like to think of our work at Christian Action as planting a different kind of seed which also has the potential to grow and flourish into something beautiful.

Over the last eight weeks, we've witnessed just such a beautiful thing.

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Aiming for Gold!

Even as a child, Yin Yin had a deep love of sport. The question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" always got the answer, "A professional athlete."

She enjoyed all sports, but cycling became her first love. With her parent's encouragement, Yin Yin pursued her dream, eventually joining The Cycling Association of Hong Kong to train. But she soon hit a roadblock.

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Eighty Years Young

Celebrating Hans' 80th birthday with other members of The Refugee Concern Network

A true pioneer for Hong Kong's justice work, Rev. Hans Lutz has been a dear friend of Christian Action since the very beginning.

When the number of refugees in Hong Kong began to expand in the early 2000s, Hans, who was then Executive Secretary for Justice and Social Concern of the Hong Kong Christian Council (HKCC), supported Christian Action's effort to care for the displaced.  In fact, it was Hans' endorsement that led the HKCC to back the opening of our Centre for Refugees in 2003.

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From Clutter to Community

Early in 2000 after I de-cluttered my wardrobe I didn't know what to do with the clothes I no longer wore. Throwing away good clothes seemed wasteful so I put them in cartons to deal with later. Then there was a light-bulb moment: why not sell them and raise revenue for our services at Christian Action?

Happy that it would protect our environment, create opportunities for employment and provide good clothing for the needy among us, I committed the idea to the Lord as I usually do and waited for guidance.

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Frontiers Beyond Factories

Victoria Rotary Club funded a project in 1987 aimed at steering young refugees away from factories, and that became one of my first assignments through CA, then called Hong Kong Christian Aid to Refugees. Like those refugees, I too was in my twenties. This project won the Regional Rotary Community Project of the Year and the Rotarian in charge, Walter Buhler became my mentor until his passing in 1998.

There was a labour shortage and it was easy to find work in the factories, but those bright young Vietnamese refugees in Kai Tak Camp could easily pursue white collar work and therefore better opportunities on resettlement. All they needed was some coaching.

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