


As You Sow, So Shall You Reap

The truth of that ancient proverb from the Bible is evident in the lives of some of the 47 children living at Guolou Children's Home. Guolou is in one of the most remote places on earth, which a harsh climate and environment. Children lose their parents prematurely, or are abandoned by parents who can no longer cope with the stress.

The way adults behave is often reflected in a child's attention-getting behavior. You are helping us help such children in the remoteness of Guolou.

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Cat and Mouse Court Games

There simply wasn't enough food for all the mouths in Watu's family. Life as a subsistence farmer in a rural Indonesian village was getting too hard. Working long hours in her old age would be impossible, so Watu reluctantly became a migrant worker.

Despite being one of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers, she had high hopes of finding an employer in Hong Kong who would treat her better than she had been treated in her own country.

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Capturing Success

This year we are celebrating our 30th birthday! Thirty years of gladly serving the most vulnerable people in society. The way many of those lives have changed as a result of the service we have given them has been captured by Ricky Lo, an internationally acclaimed photographer.

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Perfect Timing

Walking, running, jumping, dancing... just the type of activity I would expect from a lively fifteen- year-old. But what do you do when that lively child is suddenly struck by pain so debilitating, she cannot even attend school?

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Access to Success

Priya dreams of becoming a doctor

War and persecution has driven many families out of their home lands and forced them to take refuge in Hong Kong. When they continue to see obstacles ahead of them, many of those parents lose hope of a decent future for their children. With a name like Christian Action, we can do no less than act to help fulfill the potential of these refugees.

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