


Fulfilling Our Potential

Each one of us has a gift - a talent - for doing something, and until we use our particular talent, life can be very frustrating. One of the services Christian Action offers which regularly discovers hidden talents is our Employees Retraining Board (ERB) Manpower Development Scheme. Betty is one of the women who has benefitted from this service.

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A Whole New World

Treacher Collins syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects growth and development of the head. It prevents the skull, cheek and jawbones from developing properly, causing facial defects and hearing loss. It is not a great start in life for any child.

Fei Fei was only a few days old when she came to Xining Children's Home with this syndrome. The tiny little girl was born with partial external ears.

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Challenge may be on the Horizon!

New Horizons Building, our current headquarters

Christian Action is celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year, which is a milestone indeed! But as we head into the future, there may be big challenges on the horizon...

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International Children's Day

Guoluo Prefecture is about eight hours drive from Xining, the capital city of Qinghai. Its situation is remote, the landscape is rough, and poverty results in the abandonment of many children. The weather is bleak and so is the future of the children of Guoluo.

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With a little help...

Burning the midnight oil is not an expression you'd normally associate with a young child. Yet that's what nine-year-old Pui, a primary school student, did each night as she struggled with her homework. She fell asleep during school hours, and struggled to perform academically. This little girl was desperately in need of a helping hand, but she was too shy to ask for assistance.

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