Unto Us A Child Is Born!

As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing the suffering He would later endure for our sake, we are filled with gratitude for God’s gracious gift to us of His Son.
In our work through Christian Action, and in your giving and prayer support, we can all be glad together that because of His compassionate love, God continually gives us the opportunity to care for suffering children today. The pictures here are of two such children, badly injured in the Yushu earthquake, who have just come to our attention. A tractor flipped over on Diji Bamo during the earthquake. She may never walk again. The other injured girl has the potential to walk again. The girls are 7 and 8 years old.
I know it’s a busy time for you so I’ll tell you more about this wonderful rescue effort after Christmas.
I pray you and yours will have a blessed and peaceful time of celebration!
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