Shy to Shining!

The outbreak of SARS in 2003 caused the suffering of many people in Hong Kong. When the printing factory in which Mr. Keung had worked for over 10 years closed down, it had a devastating effect on him. His son suffers from severe car sickness and in order to spare him the misery of feeling sick every day Mr Keung had spent his entire savings on moving closer to his son's school. It was an essential move because the boy has special education needs and therefore couldn't attend a school nearer to their home. When Mr Keung lost his livelihood, he seriously contemplated suicide.
With the support and wise counsel of a friend, Mr. Keung overcame his depression and hopelessness. Hoping to avoid the negative stigma of living on social welfare, he secretly applied for assistance. That’s when he joined our Integrated Employment Assistance Programme for Self-reliance. The aim of this programme is to provide retraining for unemployed social welfare recipients, so that they are better equipped to re-enter the job market through our job matching service.
Until clients begin paid work, our course includes a volunteer programme.
Through Christian Action, Mr. Keung started volunteering at old age homes and daycare centres for the aged. Slowly his life began to change. His self confidence improved dramatically, as did his sense of independence. Now Mr. Keung fully engages with the community through volunteer work, coming up with new and improved ideas to serve the elderly. This has made him very popular amongst his peers.
Mr. Keung has been transformed from despair and hopelessness to being a shining example for others! He even takes on the role of Master of Ceremonies during community events. He also wants to inspire other welfare recipients to become volunteers.
Having undergone such an amazing transformation, Mr. Keung has been nominated for the “HSBC Share to Care Volunteer Campaign” (滙豐愛心傳城義工大行動)
Please vote for him now! Then forward this link to your family and friends so they can vote for him too! Thank you for standing alongside us as we support and affirm Mr. Keung!
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