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A Lesson In Overcoming

Chen Quan became an orphan when he was just fourteen and both of his parents passed away. He says that he would dream of his parents and wished so hard that he could be with them again. When he awoke, he would find the pillow soaked in tears, his sense of abandonment was overwhelming. He wondered if he would ever escape from this darkness.

Quan’s life turned around when a place became available at the Hainan Children's Home. As a Tibetan native with limited Putonghua language skills, he initially lacked the confidence to talk to other children and felt unsure about everything at the Children's Home. After days of being showered in love and care from everyone in the home, Quan started to open up, to let go of his past pain and begin filling his heart, with the love he was given.

Hainan Children’s Home’s social workers encouraged Quan to work hard in school and follow his passion for Taekwondo. He enjoyed being the older brother and mentor the younger children and helping them with their homework. "As an older brother, I want to provide my younger siblings with the same love and care that I received as a child. Love produces love." He was delighted to help the social workers plan games and activities for the whole community to have fun at the children’s home.

Chen Quan is now a 24-year-old student at Xianning Vocational and Technical College and is a well-adjusted young man. With the loving nurturing of our housemothers and social workers, Quan was able to rebuild his life. Chen Quan is just one of many children who need help to rebuild their lives following early difficulties.

Please join us in supporting our four children's homes in Qinghai so that we can continue to love these priceless children in the same way that God instructs us to in Psalm 68:5, "Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation,". God is in the business of providing protection, care, and kindness to orphans. Please pray, give, and get involved!

Photo taken in the birthday party